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Sessions and Training for Individuals

Sessions for Individuals

Self-Emotional Resolution

Get Help
From a Certified Professional 

Learn to Resolve Your Disruptive Emotional Patterns

Certified Professionals Can Help You: â€‹


  • Resolve disruptive emotional patterns

Get help with PTSD, stress, anxiety, fears, angers, blockages, phobias, etc.


  • Resolve recurring or chronic physical symptoms

Such as eczema, pain, asthma, food allergies, etc.
Procrastination and addictive behaviors.​

Yosemite Valley View: Get help with PTSD, stress, anxiety, fears, angers, blockages, phobias, alleviate physical symptoms, remove the burden negative emotional patterns.

The Emotional Health Institute offers: ​


  • Introductory Classes

Most of us live our lives with an awareness of the burden negative emotional patterns create for us. Some of us try self-help, others turn to professional help, still others self-medicate. The burden may get intermittently lighter, but it stays with us and resurfaces with the next trigger. I am here to tell you that it does not have to stay with us.
Neuroscientists have begun to understand that the body is wired to permanently resolve dysfunctional and negative emotional patterns...
We are going to pragmatically teach you how.


During this training, participants will learn how to use their body's interoception (sensations) during an emotional experience in order to resolve their disruptive emotional patterns (stress, anxiety, anger, shame, phobia…). 


This is a complete training that will bring a concrete knowledge, allowing the participants to permanently resolve autonomously, emotional difficulties when they are active in the body (during the actual emotion).

  • ​Personalized 1-on-1 trainings 

Most of our certified practitioners can teach you how to resolve your own emotional difficulties from a moment of emotion. â€‹

  • Training Sessions for Your Business Team

Through this personalized course we will guide each individual on your team to identify their fears and blockages. 

We will then teach how to resolve them.

Imagine leading a team of people operating at their pick potentials, with absolutely no drama.

That is what this training will provide… nothing less.

Logistics: Groups from 6 to 100 participants 3 x 1.5 hour.

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The Emotional Health Institute (E.H.I.) is a Non-Profit Organization 501(c3), focusing on emotional health.

San Francisco, CA.

 Copyright © 2019 Emotional Health Institute, Inc. | All Rights Reserved

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