Meet the Practitioners

Amanda Hobley
+61 405344149
Perth, Western Australia
Certified EmRes Practitioner
Self Emotional Resolution Facilitator
Amanda Hobley has a special interest in Women’s health and wellbeing. Amanda mostly works with busy women including, working professionals, mothers, menopausal women and those going through transitional periods in their lives. Helping to release stress, reconnect and restore balance within themselves and their lives.
Uniquely qualified, Amanda is not only a Naturopath with 20 years experience, but also a Reiki, BodyTalk and Emotional Resolution Practitioner.
Amanda is thrilled to be able to teach Self EmRes to those wanting to resolve stressful emotions, thoughts, and situations.
Inspired by her own life and clinical experiences, Amanda has written an e- book called, “Women’s Secret Handbook to Stress Relief” and provides opportunities for self-care on retreat and workshops.