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Sue Siebens

A Kind and Healthy Relationship with Your Body

By Sue Siebens

What do we do when our body does not comply with our ideals?

Our society is fascinated with outward appearances—beauty standards that do not reflect anyone’s reality. Many ga-zillion dollar industries feed off our shame and individual intolerance of not living in bodies that meet these unrealistic ideals.

We can find ourselves in a state of dysphoria, feeling uneasy or unhappy about our bodies. This doubt is likely to leak into other areas beyond the body, such as personal life and relationships, finance and work.

Frequently, body image disturbances are accompanied by eating disorders and severe depression. In the extreme, this body discomfort is called body dysmorphia, the act of obsessively feeling that your body is flawed. Seeing your body differently than other people see it, a 100-pound woman that thinks she’s too fat is an example.

Just to be clear, a sensible diet and exercise regime to maintain a healthy body is a good thing. But most of us have “friends” that may take it too far.

Signs that body issues are present

· Preoccupation with bodily appearance

· Triggered by body discussions

· Seeking the next best diet or exercise program

· Strange eating behaviors—restricting certain foods, meticulous tracking, excessive supplements

· Drastic changes in appearance

· Drastic changes in personality

· Unhealthy shifts to color all social interactions by how it will affect the diet and exercise regime

If any of this is the case for you, then It’s time to take advantage of Emotional Resolution™.

Emotional tension and stress are working against you. Researchers have found that stress causes increased cortisol levels. Cortisol impacts include [1]

· Reducing the likelihood that you’ll follow a regular exercise routine

· Hindering your recovery

· Slowing down your fitness gains

· Preventing weight loss

Letting go of the emotional drivers in your life clears a path to make better, more consistent decisions about how we care for our bodies.

Emotional Resolution™ or EmRes™ meets you where you are: what tension(s) are you manifesting NOW. What is potentially getting in the way of your best potential?

There is not one correct answer. Just what comes to your mind first is an excellent place to start.

You don’t have to know why or where the feeling or behavior comes from. EmRes uses current emotional tensions to clear up unprocessed emotions.

In fact, when you have a triggered emotion or behavior, your body says, “Hey, you have an unprocessed emotion here that you might want to take care of.” It’s just like a sore sprained ankle or bleeding papercut; your body is giving you information. It’s our job to listen and take action.

Unprocessed emotions are left in the body when high-stress events prevent them from being resolved in the moment. These emotional imprints can resurface as disruptive personality traits and behaviors when left long enough.

Certain situations prompt emotions/behaviors to show themselves. EmRes uses a sensible yet straightforward process to resolve those emotional body memories, removing them in a radical way. Afterward, that situation will no longer activate the triggered emotion/behavior.

What remains is clear thinking and a kinder, healthier relationship with your body.

Are you ready to let go of body stress?


1. 5 Surprising Ways Stress Affects Your Workout, Cindy Kuzma,

Image by Kenny Holmes from Pixabay

About Sue

Sue Siebens uses Emotional Resolution, EmRes, to work at a fundamental level, where the roots of the illness, fear, and pain can be accessed and resolved. Sue teaches and writes to raise awareness about this new technologies so that as many people as possible can find relief and peace in their life. Sue is based in Dallas, Tx, USA.

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